the aba library
and learning
centre (LLRC).

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Library Helpdesk
Monday to Thursday - 9:15am to 4.45pm
Saturday - 10:15am to 5.45pm
Wi-fi enabled

Welcome to the ABA Library!

Our mission is to provide a personalised, high-quality service that supports academic programs and fosters creative, independent thinking. Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or researcher, we’re here to assist you in your quest for knowledge. Explore our print collection, access digital resources, and engage with our dedicated staff.

Learn and access educational resources with ease...

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Our mission.

Search, renew, and reserve 1000’s of books online!

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Our vision.

Easy access to books and e- resources including
journal articles and databases

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Our values.

Dedicated study spaces available to study independently

Digital Library Resources:

Single Sign On for all the online subscribed resources

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Your gateway to a vast collection of eBooks, peer reviewed journals, and insightful analysis.

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Access eBooks 24/7 on our intelligent study platform. Equipped with essential tools,it provides a seamless educational experience wherever you are.

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Open Access (Free) Resources:


Single Sign On for all the online subscribed resources

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Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

A large collection of open access eBooks on all subjects.

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Liber Texts

Provides user-friendly open education resource platform for interactive textbooks, adaptive homework, andancillary materials.

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Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network.

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It is a free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related researchmaterials.

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Cite this for me

Create APA/ Harvard Reference online.

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Print Books
ABA’s London and Luton campuses house approximately 1500 curriculum focused printbooks. To explore our print book collections, visit the Library Catalogue and start your search LibraryCatalogue.

What are the Borrowing Rules?
The number of books allowed for borrowing is specified in the below table:
Library Users
No. of Books
Borrowing Duration
Faculty Members
21 days
14 days
14 days
Snapshot of Library Resources & Services
Access to the curriculum focused print and electronic books
A wide range of journal titles with access via database subscriptions
Academic support with literature searching and referencing
  • Access to the curriculum focused print and electronic books
  • A wide range of journal titles with access via database subscriptions
  • Academic support with literature searching and referencing
  • Computing, Printing, photocopying and scanning facilities
  • Computing, Printing, photocopying and scanning facilities
  • Free Wifi Access 
make an enquiry
Using other libraries
Local Public Library Service
ABA Library and Learning Resource Centre is expanding their resources to ensure that each student at ABA has access to books and online resources. The London Libraries Consortium is a partnership between 18London library services, with Tower Hamlet being a part of the partnership.We would like to sign up every single student to be a member if the London Libraries Consortium. This would give everyone the opportunity to access and borrow books from your local public library (IdeaStore Canary Wharf) and all other libraries in the consortium. Student will also have access to thousands of online resources.
More information can be found by clicking here
Small Business Research +Enterprise Centre
The SmallBusiness Research and Enterprise Centre (SBREC) is the City of London Corporation’s small business start-up support service, open to all small businesses throughout the UK. You can get access to a range of specialist business information and market research.

SBREC also host a range of business support events and provide expert assistance to help you grow your business.SBRC is the only UK dedicated public service for business information offering in person and remote access to specialist business databases. The databases include startup guidance, information on market/industry data worldwide, plus national, and international coverage for statistics, company data and business news.

Access some of our most sought after business information remotely with a SBREC membership.

The British Library
The British Library is the UK's largest library with over 150 million items inmost known languages.It is entitled to receive a copy of every book published in the UK and Ireland.Most of its items are kept in closed storage - you'll need to request them and then use them in the British Library's reading rooms.

How do I join?
BL reader passes are free, but you will need to give details of the material you wish to consult. You will also need to show personal identification and proof of address.You can find full registration information on the British Library's website.
Help and Support
Online Support
Book one-to-one Student Support Sessions
Student support sessions are available at ABA Library to help with: 
· Introduction of the ABA Library and Resources
· Searching online learning materials
· Harvard Referencing online
· Information literacy webinars
· One-to-one tutorials
· Functional skills webinars
· Access to other resources with our partner institutions

Please request your session via emailing at:

Self-Service options:
Student Induction to Library and Learning Resources
One-to-one support sessions

Books Recommendations/Stock Suggestions
At Applied Business Academy we are keen to hear about book recommendations from students and teaching staff. This will help us to develop more current and relevant stock.  If you would like to suggest any course related title(s), please email your request to at
Campus Help Desk and Support
Library help desks offer face-to-face advice and support.

Library Services
· Setting up your library account
· Finding books and other resources in the library
· Borrowing and returning resources
· Harvard Referencing
· Submitting coursework and assignments
· Help with ICT e.g., setting up Wi-Fi, printing, and scanning facilities.

If you have any queries, please contact
Library Policies and Procedures
User Responsibilities and Ethics
Library seeks to provide a safe, secure, and appropriate study environment for the benefit of all service users. All service users are expected to treat Library facilities, library Services staff and fellow users with dignity and respect. Students who demonstrate unacceptable behavior will not be allowed to use the library and maybe banned from all services and will be referred under the Student Disciplinary procedures.

Visitors may use our books, periodicals, online databases, and other materials on-site for general and research purposes, providing use does not conflict with our primary responsibility to the ABA students and staff. Visitors are required to show some official identification at the library reception.

Electronic Resources
Electronic databases are limited to the Applied BusinessAcademy authorised users (students, faculty, and staff). Users attempting to access library databases both on and off-campus will be required to log in with their User ID and password. Users must follow 'Fair Use' as outlined in theCopyright Law and provisions of license agreements with individual providers.Online database material obtained must be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Improper use generally includes, but is not limited to, utilizing robots/auto crawlers, downloading entire e-Journals, printing numerous copies of a single article, or publishing articles made available through the databases. Unauthorised use of ABA Library databases and other electronic resources can result in revocation of access.

Library UsersPrivacy
All library records and other information relating to an individual's use of the library and its resources are considered confidential.These records include, but are not limited to, circulation records of library materials, address, and other registration information, reference or informational questions asked, and computer database searches. This information, however, may be consulted and used by library staff while carrying out library business.

Collection Development Collection Development is a process of systematically building library collections to meet the studying, training, teaching, accreditation, and learning needs of the users. Priority for library resources to be purchased for the library is given to those materials which meet direct curricular needs in the courses offered. In most cases, the latest edition of the book must be purchased. The library will annually evaluate the users’ needs with the help of the Learning Resources Advisory Committee and recommend sufficient latest books to be purchased.

Ask a Librarian Service
Students, faculty, and staff of the AppliedBusiness Academy can submit reference or general library enquiries to the Librarian during library opening hours or via email24/7. Emails will usually have a reply within 48 hours, excluding holidays. Librarian or Academic Research SupportOfficer will answer your enquiries as soon as possible.

Types of enquiries may include: 
· The availability and locations of materials in the library
·  Enquiries about services of the ABA Library
·  Verification of bibliographic citations
·  Addresses for corporations, institutions, and publishers
·  Request for brief biographical information
·  Assistance with the use of the catalogue, or the online databases
·  Harvard Referencing·  Use of resources of partner institutions and public libraries 

Visit Ask a Librarian for hours and contact information. 
Referencing Guide
What is Referencing?
During your course you will be asked to find information from various sources for portfolio and assignments. These will influence your thinking and you need to acknowledge the authors or creators who produced them. Referencing is the way you let others know which sources you have consulted as part of your work.

Click here to view the Harvard Referencing System

browse our Extensive
eBSCOhost Education
Full Text Journals.

To access EBSCOHost remotely (Off-Campus), please email for login details.
2,211 active indexed and abstracted journals. 1,923 of them are peer-reviewed
Topics covered include all levels of education from further education to higher education
Educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing